Westwind Management

Effective January 1, 2024, the Villages will have a new management company, Westwind Management Group LLC. A new property manager will be assigned in March 2023.  For now, please direct your service requests and/or questions to Client Services at VillagesHRS@westwindmanagement.com.  
Client Services dedicate phone number for The Villages is:  720-509-6054.
An email was sent to community members advising how to access Westwind's website and sign up within the Owner Portal.  You will be able to make your HOA monthly payments and requests on the website such as work orders, architectural, account detail, account review, calendar, documents, reports, compliance and user profile.  Also under the forms tab you will the architectural request from, billing inquiry, general inquiring, tenant registration, violation complaint and work order request. In addition, important documents will be posted and are available for members to view.