
Neighborhood Pod (Cul-deSac) Representatives
Posted on May 3, 2023 5:06 PM by Admin
Categories: General
The Villages HOA Board is calling for neighborhood residents to become POD REPs
(cul-de-sac) representatives.
Our thinking was that since we now have monthly board meetings for the community, it
might be nice if each pod or cul-de-sac had a representative that could come to the meetings and
then share the information with their neighbors. 
Also pod reps could alternate so that each month it could be a different rep that comes to the
meeting. This way we could get more information out to those that could not make the meetings.
No special requirements are needed other than the ability to come to the meetings and then share the
info with your neighbors.
If you are interested in learning more please reach out to one of the board members. Or simply show
up at the next board meeting in May. 
Just a reminder board meetings are each month - held on the 4th Tuesday of each month from 6:30-8:30 pm 
(though we end earlier than that).  All meetings are held at the Westridge Recreation Center. 
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